
Flateurville is a perfectly bohemian artistic hangout hidden behind a pedestrianised street in Paris' 10th arrondissement, showcasing art and events in a warehouse style setting with an eclectic vintage decor to die for. The labyrinthine space leads you from a loft type bar area through to a study, to a bedroom, to an artist's studio, to a mini concert hall, all decorated with bric a brac and with paintings covering every available wall. 

Artist Laurent Godard, who reigns over Flateurville, describes the place as an imaginary village in which all kinds of artistic events may occur and on the evening we visited, he put on an impromptu concert reciting witty poetry over blues inspired guitar strumming. 

From what we're told, Thursday is the best evening to visit for a chance of witnessing some of the creative action unfold.

24 cours des petites écuries
75010 Paris


  1. as usual you've got the scoop on the good stuff going on in Paris. Of course, I'm particularly intersted in the "bar area" - but loving the idea of the whole thing! will put it on (my ever-expanding) list of things to do!

  2. Yes, I love this place! I wrote about it, too. There was an event yesterday - a Thursday! - I wanted to make it, too, but alas, there was also a reading at Shakespeare & Co I wanted to get to, as well. So much to do!

    Here's my write-up on Flateurville: http://parisimperfect.wordpress.com/2010/03/23/flateurville/

  3. Great tip thanks so much. Im always looking for new places in Paris! x Kay

  4. Rick, Retro Apple - thanks for your comments! Kim x

  5. It seems like an interesting place! I'll go check myself sometimes!
